WordPress Tutorials How to create a blog post

Welcome to our new series of WordPress tutorials on our blog, starting with how to create a blog post.

  • Log in to your WordPress site using your admin and password.
  • Click on the tab under Dashboard that says “Posts”.
  • Then, click on “Add New”.
  • Below “Add New Post” there is a blank that says “Enter Title Here”, this is where you can add a title to your blog post.
  • The blank box below the blog title is the blog content, so start typing! There is a word count on the bottom left.
  • The box that says “Paragraph” allows you to edit the size and style of the text. For example, Heading 3 is good to use for headings or sub headings.
  • The “Visual” tab shows you the appearance of the content, the “Text” tab is the HTML format.
  • The “add media” link lets you insert a photo or audio wrapping around the text.
  • The icons after text aligning are to insert links within the text. You can also hi-light text and make that a link with this feature.
  • The box to the right titled “Publish” lets you decide if you want this post to be saved as a draft, private, schedule a time, or publish right away.
  • Below that, labelled “Categories” is how to organize your content. Every time you add a new category, that will be saved.
  • You may also add “Tags” on WordPress so your post comes up when people are searching WordPress.
  • The “Featured Image” is the media that appears in the preview and above your blog post page.
  • It is best to use photos that are below 1000 px on blog posts, you can edit the size on WordPress when uploading.
  • Always click “Save” before logging out or exiting the WordPress site!

360 Web Designs offers WordPress tutorials with all our clients. Visit our blog next time for more tutorials. WordPress also has tutorials on their site.

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